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Netball Kāpiti Centre

Lewin Neary Year 7 & 8 Intermediate Primary Tournament Saturday 13th April 2024 at Coastlands Netball Kapiti, Te Atiawa Courts Centre

Registration and Tournament Information:

  1. The 7 v 7 tournament is open to all Year 7 & 8 primary teams.  Boys are welcome to play and Winter competition rules apply.
  2. The final draw structure will be dependant on the number of teams entered.
  3. Complete a form for each team entered
  4. Registrations for this tournament will close on Sunday 8th April.
  5. Payment ($80.00) for this tournament can be made by direct credit to Netball Kapiti 38-9015-0525564-00 (please use your team name as a reference)
  6. An email will be sent to your nominated contact with further details and request for team member lists
  7. Teams are to supply their own correctly inflated size 5 netball, bibs, first aid kit and ice
  8. All teams are to supply their own Umpire ​​​​​​​